Operationalize Credit Agreements at Scale and Speed

Published on
October 18, 2024
Written by
Milan Shen
Read time
6 min
Case Study

Financial institutions still face significant challenges managing and analyzing large volumes of documents, particularly in the structured products industry. This case study highlights how Centauri AI helps firms quickly extract key terms from credit agreements, turning unstructured data into actionable insights.

In our benchmarking, Centauri AI achieved over 92%  accuracy1 while cutting keyboard time by 97%.

The Challenge: Scale and Complexity

Credit agreements and their amendments serve as the “source of truth” for credit investments in Private Credit, Private Equity, Structured Credit, and in general Fixed Income asset classes. For institutions to make informed investment decisions, manage portfolio risks, or simply monitor performance, it’s essential to understand the details within these lengthy documents.

Each credit agreement averages 200-300 pages, and to streamline this, investment and portfolio teams often require a 5-8 page Key Terms Summary. Currently, this process is manual—teams spend hours extracting and inputting key terms into internal databases.

These tedious tasks are repeated throughout the credit investment lifecycle:

  1. At underwriting / initial closing: Analysts spend hours combing through hundreds of pages to draft summaries, especially with complex deals involving multiple documents.
  2. Amendments: As deals are amended—sometimes monthly—analysts must update summaries, consuming up to an hour for each version.
  3. Portfolio maintenance: Managing a portfolio requires comparing terms across multiple deals or periods. Even with a central database, ad-hoc manual work is needed to analyze terms like maturity dates, pricing, and covenant thresholds.
Batch processing & automated workflow for all 20 projects

The Solution: Centauri AI platform in Action

We deployed Centauri AI’s platform for a customer to process 20 credit agreements, extracting 18 key terms like “Use of Proceeds,” “Credit Facilities,” and “Benchmark Rate.” The platform handled all documents simultaneously, completing the task in just 20 minutes.

Each agreement is processed as a “Project,” where an automated multi-step workflow handles document indexing, data parsing, querying, analysis, and reporting. Powered by advanced Large Language Models (LLM), Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) techniques, and modern Computer Vision and Data Science algorithms, Centauri AI is specifically designed for financial documents.

Key Features

  • Automated Batch Processing: Process multiple credit agreements at once. The platform runs the workflow automatically and notifies you when the job is done, delivering an aggregated result to be consumed downstream.
  • Intelligent Extraction: Beyond keyword searches, the platform interprets complex provisions like “Loan Seniority,” analyzing multiple sections to determine terms such as whether a loan is senior or subordinated.
  • Auditable Results: Every extracted term is linked to its source, ensuring quick verification and transparency.
  • Customizable Output: Tailor the results to your needs—whether tables, charts, or summaries—and export in Word, PDF, or Excel for easy integration with your tools.
Auditable results with source direct to original document

Results: High Accuracy and Accelerated Decision-Making

In our benchmarking, Centauri AI achieved over 92%  accuracy1 in extracting key terms from thousands of pages of real-world credit agreements. What once took analysts 30 minutes per file—adding up to 10 hours of manual work—has been reduced to just 20 minutes with automation, cutting keyboard time by 97%.

Human error and time pressure often lead to declining productivity and output quality. Centauri AI breaks this cycle by balancing accuracy and efficiency, helping companies improve operational performance and decision-making quality. With Centauri AI, firms can:

  • Reduce turn-around time: Tasks that took days or weeks now take hours, speeding up investment evaluations and deal maintenance without needing to expand the team.
  • Enhance risk assessment: Process multiple agreements and amendments at scale to uncover deeper insights and track how terms evolve over time and across portfolios.
  • Increase ROI: Automating credit agreement processing frees up analysts to focus on higher-value, strategic tasks, maximizing their expertise.
Aggregated results in Excel format
"With Centauri AI, extracting, normalizing, and analyzing data from hundreds or thousands of files that were previously reviewed by analysts not only saves days’ worth of work every month, but also empowers us to deploy resources to higher value analysis"

What’s next?

At Centauri AI, we are not just solving the problem of document extraction; we are transforming the most critical but inefficient workflows into a modern, AI-powered stack. We have prioritized delivering integrations with companies’ existing systems to make sure that adoptions are truly end-to-end, and moreover, we are constantly innovating the AI technologies for data science and analytics, focusing on the finance sector. Stay tuned for updates or contact us to enhance your complex workflows today!

 1 This accuracy is evaluated through comparing our results against the ground truth answers pulled from data providers, and manually reviewed by expert-level financial professionals.